Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Short Stories That All Definitely Happened

Though 2014 has passed by without so much as a sniff of any new work it has been a busy year...honest! Since April I've been working on a Noir-Comedy set in Belfast, for which I received an Independent Writer Award from the Arts Council (via NI Screen).  This has gone a long way to help explain what appears, at least on the surface, to be a year of inactivity.

This forthcoming year will hopefully see the realization of months, upon months (upon months) of drafting, redrafting, scrapping, rewriting and hair pulling, as Henry Roscoe hopefully finds a home and I, a regular writing gig.  That being said, in the midst of all the Noir-based antics of Fast City there has been just enough downtime to scrape together a few short stories; just enough to dare to call them a collection and to give that collection a name; Short Stories That All Definitely Happened.

If you're in any way a regular visitor or a frequent Twitter-er you've probably read at least one.  Short Stories will be unleashed in 2015 (date TBC) through Venice Books, CA.  A sample of stories can be founds via the links below, though some will change between now and the finished piece.

Enjoy, and Happy New Year!

“Original, hilarious and very clever.”
-Hugh Cron 
“Really funny.”
-Nik Everleigh
“Not for the faint hearted […] a well constructed, vivde piece of writing.”
-Diane Dickson
“It will divide opinion […] very powerful.”
-Nik Everleigh
“Powerful and thought provoking.”
-Hugh Cron
“Some great lines.”
-Nik Everleigh
“A whiff of Bukowski’s attitude and to the point style.  Snappy and earthy.”
-Adam West
“A witty, self deprecating humour […] the final sentence did make me grin and wince at the same time.”
-Diane Dickson
“Well written and flowed humorously […] masterful design.”
-Willie Douglas
“A rare voice.”
-Anthony Wobbe
“Another entertaining piece of writing.”
-Hugh Cron
“An entertaining read.”
-Kate Smart
“A lot of style to it and dark humour in abundance […] tackles every story subject with ferocity and without fear.”
-Nik Everleigh

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

From Christmas to Kwanzaa

Merry Christmas Internet! To celebrate either Jesus' b-day or the co-opting of a pagan festival everything is free!

Yup, Lost Angeles, Bone Idol [bohn ahyd-l], and Downward Facing Doug is free for the next few days.