Thursday, 30 April 2015

May Day Giveaway

To celebrate the May Day weekend BOTH Lost Angeles and Bone Idol [bohn ahyd-l] are free to Kindle users.

LOST ANGELES (May 2nd and 3rd)
WAS $3.00 NOW FREE!!
Full time whiskey enthusiast Doug Morgan is on a downward spiral.  Over the past two years the Irish man has played witness to the slow and steady decay of his life and he’s finally called time.  Haunted by an unacknowledged pain Doug swaps the white collar nine to five of Belfast for one last charge into oblivion in the City of Angels.  A scotch-soaked stranger in a strange land Doug befriends a series of like minded and self destructive vagabonds who, like him, are aiming for chaos.  

In a city that sees thousands of people per year come to be discovered why has one man come to get lost?

BONE IDOL [bohn ahyd-l] (May 2nd)
WAS $3.00, NOW FREE!
The sophomore follow-up to Lost Angeles is the semi-biographical tale of author David Louden's alter-ego Doug Morgan as he struggles to connect with his father Jack, his mother Ruth and the working class ideology of "a real job".

From his early adventure filled days in Poleglass through to the alcohol induced haze of his early twenties Doug's life (much like the city) is one at conflict with itself. Bone Idol [bohn ahyd-l] is filled with humour, sex, guilt and the shameful dream of a boy wanting to create more than a family of haunted heirs.

May 7th

Usually I prefer to stand outside of the establishment and piss through their letterbox rather than attempt to change it from within.  That’s the excuse I’ve allowed myself to wheel out whenever an election has come around and I’ve been apathetic towards the candidates.  All too often it’s made easy for me; after all, for the most part they’re lying self-serving bastards. But there’s a bigger picture scenario taking place in Northern Ireland at the moment and more amazingly, the smell of change in the air.

Those of you unaware with the Democratic Unionist Party might be fooled into thinking that they’re somewhat right of the Conservatives and a little left from UKIP but there's a black, vindictive, cancerous lie in their name.  They are by no means democratic.  The DUP believe strongly in equality, liberty, tolerance and understanding when it comes to them but for everyone else they are more than happy to tear up your civil rights and march across them to get what they deem to be their God-given (creationist) rights.  Over the years their targets have changed.  First it was the Irish Catholics of Northern Ireland.  When the Belfast Agreement was signed it became Immigrants and now Gay, Lesbian and Transgender couples.

Aside from their efforts to push a “Conscience Clause” effectively making it perfectly legal for them to discriminate against whoever they want under the banner of “religious freedom”, they’ve said they would only enter into a coalition if they had a law passed guaranteeing their right to march (who gives a fuck about the people made captive in their homes until the DUP have finished?!).  They have placed a blood donor ban on gay men and have blocked not one, not two, not even three but FOUR fucking attempts to bring Northern Ireland into the twenty-first century and pass a bill allowing Gay Marriage.  Everything they have done over the past three plus decades have been in active pursuit of a two tier system of equality (an oxymoron if ever there was one).  It would look as follows: Top Tier – DUP and its cronies – free to do and say whatever they want under the umbrella of “religious freedom”, Bottom Tier – Everyone else – free to do whatever the DUP don’t find objectionable.

All too often we don’t vote because we don’t feel we have something to vote for but on May 7th I, and I hope you, will be voting because you have something to vote against.  The DUP is a vile stain on Northern Ireland’s landscape.  It’s an unwelcome, and unwanted reminder of how things used to be.  They’re fighting to keep everyone that isn’t them as second class citizens.  They have been allowed to do this for so long because the majority in Northern Ireland were lazy or disenfranchised and for my part in passively retarding change in this country by doing nothing I’m sorry.  But enough is enough, equality doesn’t exist if it is not for everyone.  Democracy is a two-way street and these nasty bastards have had it their own way for far too long.  My name has been dirtied by proxy.  They represent Northern Ireland, they (in theory) represent me and yet you don’t speak for me.  I’m a heterosexual, white, male.  I’m part of the “privileged” of society.  I’m also non-religious (dead Catholic) and intolerant towards intolerance.  If you do not speak for me, I will not vote for you.  Together as a Nation we can remove the DUP from their seat or power and reinstate a degree of humanity to Northern Ireland.  We got Jim Wells out, time for the rest of them.

Monday, 27 April 2015

Welcome to Ultra-Belfast

The final free short story from David Louden's forthcoming release White Mexicans & Other Short Stories That All Definitely Happened* is available to read now on Literally Stories [here].  Doug Morgan (Lost Angeles, Bone Idol), upon his death, is trapped in a hellish re-imagining of Belfast known as Ultra-Belfast.  Accompanied by his father Jack, Doug takes to an East Belfast bar in order to participate in a high stakes poker tournament alongside Jack the Ripper, Adolf Hitler and Charlton Heston (to name a few).

Populated with his usual spit and spite dialogue, off-colour humour and poetic lamentation of a world gone wrong; Ultra-Belfast is a mix of fable and low-life fiction.

White Mexicans is released on Monday 13th July 2015.

Read Ultra-Belfast now!

* The statement that all stories “definitely happened” is one used for entertainment purposes and should not be considered factual or legally binding.  All too often Mr. Louden is full of shit.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

New Name, Same Ol' Nonsense

The forthcoming publication has been given a last minute re-brand.  Released on Monday July 13th, 2015 White Mexicans (& other Short Stories That All Definitely Happened*) will be available through Kindle Scout for thirty days before publication.