Monday, 15 October 2012

Cats Make Novels Easy

I HAVE JUST discovered the greatest thing that's existed on the Internet, it could well be the reason the Internet was created. I don't always need a reason to write, motivation comes easy when you're a white collar slave but if you're someone that requires a gentle push in the right direction check this out.

It's called Written Kitten and for every 500 words you pump into it you are delivered a new picture of a kitty-cat. Novels, novellas and poetry has never been so easy to pen.  I dumped the first chapter of my book into it and look what I got!
My mind is blown.  You can check out Written Kitten [here] and if you want please feel free to drop by and check out Chapter 1 of Lost Angeles [here].  I'm still looking reviews so if you'd like to read it all and for free drop me a line.