Saturday, 23 April 2016

Heroes of Hollywood Boulevard: The Game - Heroes Makin' Zeroes

Here's your chance to work Hollywood Boulevard.  Step into the shoes of Stu Hogan, earn $70 for beer before 5 brawls summon the poe-poe to your doorstep.

Monday, 18 April 2016

Sorteo de México!

If you hot-foot it over to Instafreebie now you'll be able to avail on many incredible books for absolutely nothing; one of the free books on the site is White Mexicans (& Other Short Stories That All Definitely Happened*).  Click [here] to grab yourself a free copy.  Among other things, White Mexicans contains the short story version of Heroes of Hollywood Boulevard which was expanded on to create a novel.  Why not check out the website [here].

Acerca del Libro
Too poor to escape Los Angeles, too weak to survive in it; Doug Morgan takes a job writing an Exploitation movie to pay the bills.  Struggling with the pay-off between art and commerce he finds himself on the path to redemption, if he can scrape himself off rock bottom.

Half novella, half short story compilation, White Mexicans is an American tale told in the Irish yarn tradition.  Populated with Louden’s usual spit and spite dialogue, off-colour humour and poetic lamentation of a world gone wrong; his third outing is a mix of fable and low-life fiction.

* The statement that all stories “definitely happened” is one used for entertainment purposes and should not be considered factual or legally binding.  All too often Mr. Louden is full of shit.

Friday, 25 March 2016

Free Book Weekend

To celebrate the launch of Heroes of Hollywood Boulevard we’re having a bumper weekend giveaway.  As Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice lands on the silver screen this Friday March, 25 Venice Books is giving away Kindle copies of the superheist novel for the whole weekend.  The offers don’t end there though, oh no.  Just as Batman and Superman have Wonder Woman, Aquaman and The Flash to keep them company, Heroes of Hollywood Boulevard will be accompanied by Louden’s bibliography.  Don’t miss this opportunity to pick up 4 books and pay 0.

Lost Angeles: A Novel
RRP $2.99 – Friday March, 25 – Sunday March, 27 FREE!
Full time whiskey enthusiast Doug Morgan is on a downward spiral.  Over the past two years the Irish man has played witness to the slow and steady decay of his life and he’s finally called time.  Haunted by an unacknowledged pain Doug swaps the white collar nine to five of Belfast for one last charge into oblivion in the City of Angels.  A scotch-soaked stranger in a strange land Doug befriends a series of like minded and self destructive vagabonds who, like him, are aiming for chaos.  

In a city that sees thousands of people per year come to be discovered why has one man come to get lost?

Bone Idol [bohn ahyd-l]
RRP $2.99 – Saturday March, 26 & Sunday March, 27 FREE!
The sophomore follow-up to Lost Angeles is the semi-biographical tale of author David Louden's alter-ego Doug Morgan as he struggles to connect with his father Jack, his mother Ruth and the working class ideology of "a real job".

From his early adventure filled days in Poleglass through to the alcohol induced haze of his early twenties Doug's life (much like the city) is one at conflict with itself. Bone Idol [bohn ahyd-l] is filled with humour, sex, guilt and the shameful dream of a boy wanting to create more than a family of haunted heirs.  

White Mexicans: & Other Short Stories That All Definitely Happened*
RRP $2.99 – Friday March, 25 – Sunday March, 27 FREE
Too poor to escape Los Angeles, too weak to survive in it; Doug Morgan takes a job writing an Exploitation movie to pay the bills.  Struggling with the pay-off between art and commerce he finds himself on the path to redemption, if he can scrape himself off rock bottom.

Half novella, half short story compilation, White Mexicans is an American tale told in the Irish yarn tradition.  Populated with Louden’s usual spit and spite dialogue, off-colour humour and poetic lamentation of a world gone wrong; his third outing is a mix of fable and low-life fiction.

Heroes of Hollywood Boulevard [New Release]
RRP $2.99 – Friday March, 25 – Sunday March, 27 FREE
Stu Hogan is idolized by every child walking Hollywood Boulevard apart from his own.  Working the star-studded street as a Batman impersonator alongside good pal Brian (Superman) and steroid shooting Ricky (The Incredible Hulk), Stu’s love of alcohol, gambling and strippers have left him behind with his alimony, down on his luck and looking for a quick fix for both.
Seeing an opportunity to change his circumstances, Stu enlists his fellow superheroes for a daring heist that has the impersonators fall short of their counterparts’ lofty standards causing friendships to fracture and divisions to become deadly.

* The statement that all stories “definitely happened” is one used for entertainment purposes and should not be considered factual or legally binding.  All too often Mr. Louden is full of shit.

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Free a Hero!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Heroes of Hollywood Boulevard by David Louden

Heroes of Hollywood Boulevard

by David Louden

Giveaway ends March 20, 2016.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter Giveaway

Monday, 1 February 2016

Meet Your Heroes!

I’ve just launched a temporary website to accompany the book.  It’s my hope that I’ll be able to add additional content, fill in some backstory with short posts, and maybe even share the court records of the real “Hollywood Characters”.  If you’re from Belfast you’ll be able to avail of a copy of Heroes of Hollywood Boulevard from the ever excellent Comic Book Guys, in Spires Mall.  The first ten customers will receive a free, limited edition chapbook called Hated.  Citizens outside of Fast City can grab one on Amazon, or through Barnes & Noble, Borders, and various other reputable bookstores (maybe even some disreputable ones).

Feel free to check out the site by clicking on the link above.  The book comes with a foreword from one-half of the Comic Book Guys, Austin Flanagan and a letter called “Be the Bat” from Kevin Porter (Batman: City of Scars).  Books sell because of their reviews.  If you’d like an advanced copy of Heroes of Hollywood Boulevard in exchange for an and GoodReads review please hit me up, here.

Friday, 15 January 2016

A Home for The Heroes


With Heroes of Hollywood Boulevard a mere two months and change away from release I've just launched a temporary website.  Check it out for synopsis, additional content and information not to mention some sweet links to my back cat.

Monday, 11 January 2016


I woke this morning humming
Let’s Dance, and I didn’t know why
Instagram had tattooed your face
Across a million different lives.

They were all the lives you touched
In a way that went beyond lyrics,
Beyond rhythm, key, even sound
Through a million different experiences

Could it be that the world woke
This morning humming Let’s Dance?
As your spirit said its goodbye
To a million different souls?