I’ve just launched a temporary website to accompany the book. It’s my hope that I’ll be able to add additional content, fill in some backstory with short posts, and maybe even share the court records of the real “Hollywood Characters”. If you’re from Belfast you’ll be able to avail of a copy of Heroes of Hollywood Boulevard from the ever excellent Comic Book Guys, in Spires Mall. The first ten customers will receive a free, limited edition chapbook called Hated. Citizens outside of Fast City can grab one on Amazon, or through Barnes & Noble, Borders, and various other reputable bookstores (maybe even some disreputable ones).
Feel free to check out the site by clicking on the link above. The book comes with a foreword from one-half of the Comic Book Guys, Austin Flanagan and a letter called “Be the Bat” from Kevin Porter (Batman: City of Scars). Books sell because of their reviews. If you’d like an advanced copy of Heroes of Hollywood Boulevard in exchange for an Amazon.com/co.uk and GoodReads review please hit me up, here.